Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'm currently making this same argument to my father, a small business owner himself. He's a CPA, not a writer. He doesn't have time to blog. He doesn't know what to write about. And a litany of other reasons why blogging just isn't possible.

My father is rarely wrong. But in this instance, he is wrong—and if you're reading his excuses and nodding along to yourself, you're wrong too.

You're not an independent blogger trying to make some cash from your blog. You're a business owner, and your aim is SEO.

At the risk of being redundant, here are some key ways a blog will help you. (If these don't sound familiar, do yourself a favor and go back and read this page from the beginning.) A blog allows you to continuously add content. Once or twice a week is fine—Google will see that you're periodically adding content, and this is a very, very good thing. It's simple to include keywords when you're writing about those keywords. A blog post is the ultimate SEO pass: if the topic of your blog post is the keyword, it's almost effortless to include that keyword in all the right places and with the right frequency. And you don't even have to sound like a robot while you're doing it. You don't need to be a writer to manage a blog. I mean, OK, obviously you need the ability to form words and complete thoughts—but you don't need an English degree to express your thoughts on something in your industry. You have a business in your industry, which means you obviously know something about it. Share it! A blog has other perks. Among those perks: gaining recognition as a source for valuable content, providing a venue to engage with your customers (as opposed to talking at them with your website, you have the opportunity to talk with them), and building up your archive (there's that "original copy" solution).

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