One of the fastest ways to refill energy is simply to gain a level. Gaining a level will restore almost all of your energy. Don't buy any energy refill power ups if you are close to a level up, because regaining all of your energy when you gain level would be absolutely pointless. The fastest way to gain levels with the least amount of energy are simply to complete construction on buildings - each click towards completing construction, gains you 2 experience points. Other actions, such as harvesting from your farm, or collecting rent, can earn you either 1 or 2 experience points, but mostly 1 experience point.
You can regain energy by completing actions (chopping trees, collecting rent, etc); however, one action you can do that can earn you more energy, which is plowing wilted plants, doesn't actually cost energy to do. That means you can regain energy simply by planting something (strawberries work best for this because the wilt the quickest), wait for whatever you planted to go bad, and then clear it out. You won't regain energy for everything for plow, but for some of your squares, you will. This is a slow way to get free energy, but it really is a way to get FREE ENERGY... or at least energy without spending city cash.
If you have no friends, just make a second Facebook account, play the game with it, add yourself, post requests for energy, and then send energy to yourself. It's dirty and it's cheating, but hey, it works!
To conserve energy, skip collecting rent from your lowest paying houses, or collecting profits from your lowest paying businesses. Make sure that your biggest source of income are your highest-paying business. Early on, build coffee shops and skip collecting from anything else (unless you're close to gaining a level and want the experience points).
By the same token, plant only the highest-yielding plants on the farm. Carrots are excellent because they pay out so much but they only take 8 hours to harvest (as opposed to 1 day for corn) and still pay out 70 supplies per harvest. So use them as much as possible. Skip strawberries, as they pay out very few supplies but cost a lot of energy to harvest.
That's all for now! More energy tips? Post in comments!
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