Dupes are much like exploits except they duplicate various things such as weapons, which make a character extremely rich in the game. These are the rare diamonds of the game world, and are extremely hard to find, if at all. My own opinion is that they do not exist, and you can read more about why I say so in my Gold Dupe Hacks article.
Another of the World of Warcraft cheats is hacks. These are usually frowned upon by anyone running a server, unless you are on a private server and every one else is using them too. This is actually where you'll usually find legitimate gold dupes, on a private server.
These are used much like bots in that they do things for you, but there are some that allow you to do one thing and have a totally different outcome happen. Who wouldn’t want to fish for weapons? I've personally never played on a private server, but if I ever did, I'd want to be on one where there were plenty of cool and crazy hacks available.
So that's basically the variety of WoW cheats and hacks in a nutshell. You can read more about them in my other articles:
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