Monday, March 31, 2014

Perth Online Marketing

Easy ways to get a solid flow of targeted traffic to your website

Here are 30 Website Promotion Secrets from Perth Online Marketing to getting all the online website traffic you can handle...

Your Domain & Company & Product Names
Time since site going live. Tip: Buy a domain name from a site which has been live a long time.
Title of your web page
Description Meta tag Keywords
Site map for online marketing
Keywords Meta Tags
Rewrite dirty URLS
Keyword Weighting
Header tag for online marketing
Keyword Variants eg marketing, marketer, markets, marketed
Keyword Prominence
Alternative Image Text for online marketing
Correct Submission Protocols
Color Of Text On Page for online marketing
Web Hosting Reliability
Site Popularity fix with: Link Exchange Program
Pages linking to yours have a high position ranking & if the total number of links on that page is low.
Keywords In hyperlinks for online marketing
Keywords In Hypertext on your page
Keywords In Hypertext in other sites with links to you.
Doorway Pages for online marketing
Gateway Pages for Perth online marketing
If your web hosting service provider has been put into the "Black Hole of CyberSpace" by an agency such as
Cyber Cops because maybe they hosted for example a spammer.
Refresh Metatag for Perth online marketing
Keyword Proximity
Relevant keywords on other pages in your web
Relevant keywords on other pages in webs with links to yours.
Directory categorisation of your site.
Length and case of file names.
Effective Copywriting for online marketing in Perth

Do you understand even half of these website promotion factors? And more than that, do you know strategies to effectively use each of these website promotion factors to generate a steady stream of visitors to your website?  Odds are that unless you are a seasoned online marketing expert you don't know how they work... Lets face it why should you? That's not your job & that's where we come in:

The people who spent thousands of hours learning this stuff about online marketing
Researching website promotion strategies via search engines to find out what works & what's 'Hype'
Studying website promotion & online marketing techniques keeping up-to-date with all the latest requirements of the major search engines
Reading...EVERYTHING we could get our hands on about website promotion to make 100% certain we know our website promotion stuff

Now we want to make those 'Insider website Promotion & Online Marketing Secrets' available to you...We want you to be able to benefit from the same simple no-nonsense, down-to-earth website promotion & online marketing approach that can drive more traffic through your website than you dreamed possible. See our website for more details

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