At last count there were over 1.7 billion people using the internet. If online marketing is not a part of your overall marketing strategy then you are essentially forfeiting millions of dollars in potential income. Not only is online marketing a low cost marketing solution, you also have access to a wider range of people than you otherwise would without the internet. And a wider prospect base means more chances to sell your product or business opportunity.
To help you take full advantage of this fantastic avenue of business promotion, I’m going to share with you three secrets to online marketing that will boost your sales and conversions.
Raise Your Online Profile
Online marketing is like panning for gold. You have to sift through a lot of sand to find those valuable golden nuggets. Out of X many contacts, you’ll get Y number responses and out of those responses you’ll actually get Z conversions. Therefore, it goes without saying that in order to increase your sales and conversions, you need to increase the number of contacts you make.
Luckily, when it comes to marketing online, you have numerous ways to do that. You can create an account on Twitter and start talking to people. You can attract prospects with a niche blog. Article marketing is also a great way to gain exposure for your business. Anything that gets your name in front of as many prospects as possible will increase your odds of making the sale.
Follow Up
A place where many people often fail in their online marketing strategy is in the follow up. As in the only time they follow up is at the point of initial contact when the prospect asks for information. Afterwards, each prospect that says ‘no’ gets filed into the never-contact-ever-again bin.
You are doing your business a huge disservice if you are doing that. People’s circumstances change all the time. What may be a ‘no’ now could turn into a ‘yes’ down the road. Part of your online marketing strategy should be checking in with prospects, that initially declined, every three to six months or so. You may be surprised at how many people change their mind.
Focus on Your Prospect
There is only one thing your prospect cares most about in this world and that is their selves. This natural tendency to be self-concerned is well documented by psychologists. But don’t take their word for it. Go to any life streaming site, like Twitter, and you will see that majority of people talk about what is going on with them in their world.
What does this mean for your online marketing? All of your marketing material should focus on showing your prospect how the product or business opportunity fits their needs. For example, with my online shopping portal business I show prospects how shopping online cuts down on impulse purchases which mean more money in their pocket. They are more likely to use my site because they see how doing so directly benefits them.
These are only a few of the secrets to online marketing that will get your business on the right road to increased sales and conversions. To learn about other effective tactics I use to generate buzz about my business and convert prospects visit
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