Tuesday, March 4, 2014

In addition to carefully following the instructions in the second step above, the following should be kept in mind when trying to achieve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for an article. The title should not only include the key word or phrase, but it should also be a title that is likely to be searched for. For example, someone looking to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is likely to search for something along the lines of “what is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)”, which is why I chose that title for this article. An article should be at least 400 characters in length, and preferably at least 700 characters in length, as longer articles are given higher rankings by search engines. Consider where you are uploading an article. Search engines rank websites regarding the relevancy of their content, when deciding how high to rank page links in the search results. An article that has included all of the elements of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will rank higher in search engines if it is published on a well regarded website versus an unknown blog. If possible, include the key word or phrase in any Meta Tags or Summary Sections that are available when uploading the article to a website. This will help some search engines identify and index your article. Not all search engines read Meta Tags or Summary Sections, but including the key word or phrase in these areas is worthwhile. Create a RSS feed (RSS = Really Simple Syndication) at the bottom of your article to feature updates from your blog. Creating a RSS feed is a good way of not only promoting your other articles, it also helps with achieving Search Engine Optimization (SEO), since search engines rank webpages that update their information regularly more highly than static webpages. Periodically visit your article to see if you can make any improvements regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content. Check to see that all links and images are working and the grammar and spelling are correct.

Keep in mind that search engines typically need a few weeks to months to find and index articles published on the Internet, so be patient when searching for your article via search engines to see if your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts undertaken when writing and publishing an article are effective.

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