Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ubersuggest is a wonderful site for getting suggestions on what to write if you are struggling to come up with suggestions for your next article for your blog, website or hub on HubPages. You can also use it to come up with suggestions related to articles you have already written or to come up with a new niche for your articles.

The Keyword Tool in Google AdWords allows you to check the traffic that your suggestions could get as well as how valuable the advertising could be that your page will carry. You can also use it to identify further similar keywords that may get better traffic through SEO as well as identifying keywords and long tail keywords that you can use in the content itself.

Finally we used Google Search to gather more suggestions and also to check the sites that yours would be potentially competing against to determine if your article could be successful. You can also look at the competition to identifying gaps in what they present which may give you further ideas on what to write.

I do hope that you have found this hub useful and that as a result you have found some suggestions on new content to write and also gained an understanding on how and when to use Ubersuggest, the Keyword Tool from Google AdWords and also new uses for Google Search. Many thanks for reading, please feel free to leave any comments you may have below.

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