Friday, March 7, 2014

Starcraft Save My Childhood

In 1998 If anyone wanted to find me, they could find me on my Emachine Battling Online Starcraft. Playing on and raising in the rankings. I spent hours upon hours learning the basic builds for each race. Perfecting my hot-keys and micro management. I joined few clans and had all out clan wars. I started my own clan and recruited school friends to join. My friends and I started recruiting to make our own powerful clan. Building our own levels and game series.

When Sarcraft came out everyone was new to this kind of real time strategy, But Blizzard made this an easy game to pick up and learn to love. There was hacks going around online that made the game no fun, Blizzard took care of those pretty fast. Then those pesky bots came! Even with the hacks and bots I wasn't really effected because I only played with members of my clan.

This Game was a best seller for so long, I bought 2-3 copies myself. This game really kept me out of trouble and occupied. This was my first game ever played on PC, I remember fussing with JUNO(internet service) because my game was so slow and everything was lagging resulting in me losing a big match. I then found that AOL was the right way to go and dropped Juno. With my new high-speed internet I was able to host my own games with ease.

I even sold my first Starcract account to pay for the expansion when it came out. Did you ever get into the Map-builder on Starcraft? Man I had a blast with that program, Learning the triggers and making my own game, it was great. I even edit and updated other peoples maps and distributed them with my name as a contributor to gain a reputation. The race I perfer is the Terran Human race and then Protoss. I never liked the Zerg. I used Tanks and firebat combo's when fight a Terran or Zerg player. This game really amazed me, Its like a chess game but way more complex but easy to navigate and control.

This game was my childhood hero. Blizzard blew my mind back in the day. When I look back at the first Starcraft I notice now that the graphics where not all that great. but the game play is still great. Their are way more bots now. This was my Facebook in 98. All my friends played so it was the place to chat with school house buddies. Cell phones and social networking were not a big thing then. I will forever love this game! You can play it free online at Starcraft Saved my Childhood.

Today they have Starcraft 2 Which has more units and better game play. The ranking system is great, the servers are fast, Hackers are at a minimum. Have You Played It? Maybe You Should Give It A Try...

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