War of Dragons, also known as Legend: The Legacy of the Dragons is an online web browser strategic skill game that can be played via war of dragons home page, or facebook. Connecting with facebook is easy, all you need to do is search the application and you will find it straight away. There are hundreds of thousands of people playing this game, which tells you how popular it has become.
Your character is as a warrior and your job is to battle against your enemies of the land, in order to try and win the long lasting war. There are Humans and Magmarrs. You will battle in order to see your rank rise, and will be offered with more challenging and exciting quests as you progress throughout the game. Each battle will need to be carefully thought out, playing to the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent - you will not be in for an easy ride, and they tend to have something up their sleeve that you didn't see coming.
Legacy of the Dragons is free to play, and can become extremely addictive. It is an alternative to other online games such as Evony, Grepolis or Fog of War. All you need to to play the game is register and sign up, which takes just a few minutes. If you would like to trial the game before doing so then you can also do this, whereby you will be put in battle against an enemy and you will need to use your attacks and magics in order to win. Once you have started playin you will start to find it very difficult to stop!
There is an online forum where you can interact with other online players and it tends to become a bit of an online community. Make friends whilst gaming and really enjoy the company. However beware, as the competition is pretty fierce in this game as everyone is aiming to be the best they can be!
As you learn the game, and how to channel energy from the sources you have, you will begin to move up levels. This will take time, so the best method is to be ready to learn and have plenty of patience - this way you will see the best results. There are no known cheats, tricks, or codes for this game, so if you was hoping for an easy ride then you should know that you certainly will not be getting one.
Make sure that you keep your password safe at all times and do not use anything tha might be considered to be predictable or guessable. Only you should know your password. The last thing you would want is to have put lots of time into the game, progressed through some really tough levels, only to find that your account has been hacked!
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