Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I knew I could now apply to the Amazon and HubPages Earnings program so I started with the HubPages Earnings first. I clicked on the link to apply on my earnings page since it was now active. It had a few very short questions, I answered these and was excited to know I was all set. I just had to let the traffic come to my site and watch the monthly earnings grow.

I then applied to the Amazon Affiliate program, which now had an active link on my earnings page as well. It brought me to a page with suggested answers to questions that will be given on the Amazon Affiliate site. I chose, “Get Started” at the bottom of the page and was brought to the Amazon Affiliate website. Here you can sign in with your Amazon username, unless you need to create an account, which you could do at this step too. Fill in the questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge and, ofcourse, with the answers given to you on the HubPages application page. This step was so simple and I was done before I knew it. The only thing I was confused about was all the directions on banners, links, etc on the Amazon site. You can ignore these notifications as a HubPage writer because you are given a Amazon Capsule on your tools panel when creating hubs.

You’ll need to now go into all of your current hubs and upgrade them for these Amazon earnings. Choose the Amazon capsule and add a product by either clicking on the choice for a specific product or to search by keyword. A convenient way to search for products is by opening a new tab with amazon.com and searching relevant items to your hubs there. You can then copy and paste the URL into the hubs capsule for that specific item to have it show on your profile.

Thus far, I’m about 4 days into my HubPages and Google AdSense activation and I have a total of $2.50. Ok, it’s not a lot but it’s a start. I need to continue writing quality hubs and continue with my social networking to create traffic to my profile. I hope this hub was informative and helpful for those just starting out either writing on HubPages or as an online writer in general. Happy hubbing!

Update: I just received a new Accolade today: the Popular Among Readers Award. This is measured by feedback given by other hubbers. I'm liked among my fellow hubbers and it feels great! Thanks Everyone!

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