Tuesday, March 4, 2014

For example, someone typing the phrase 'diet plans' in the search box, is unlikely to be really a buyer, and this keyword is extremely hard to compete for. But someone looking for 'review of the atkins diet' or 'discount books for the atkins diet' is clearly a potential buyer or a book on this diet!

Similarly if you have a landing page for 'Tailor Made' golf clubs. You would be better off using a title such as 'Tailor Made Golf Clubs: Tailor Made Drivers and Irons' - would be much better than 'Golf Clubs: Tailor Made Golf Clubs'.

The Keyword Drilldown - this describes how users of the internet drilldown their keyword search terms when searching for something on the internet. For example when a user is interested in getting information to purchase a Digital Camera they will most likely start with that the general term "Digital Camera". Next after viewing the search results they will refine their search to 'Kodak Digital Camera' or 'Digital Camera Kodak' and then finally targeting a specific camera model such as “Review of Kodak Model #XYZ Digital Camera.” or "Best Price for Kodak Model #XYZ Digital Camera". Only the last search is for a buyer hungry to buy the camera.

Using Keyword Research and Niche Tools to Select a Title

Keyword analysis makes the job of choose a title very easy. If you have used the Google Adsense Keyword Research Tool or one of the other tools such as Micro Niche Finder, A1Niches and Market Samurai you will notice that the order of the words in the phrase matters. Adding an extra word can dramatically change the results. There is a strong argument that you should use the exact phrase that yields the results you are looking for a keyword phrase as the Title. If you fiddle with it you will probably not get the expected result.

When doing your research it is a good ideal to put the major keyword element at the front of the Title. As discussed previously, keywords that appear near the beginning of title have more weight. Likewise the Autosuggestion tool will be more predictable in sending users to keyword options directly related to the search topic.

If you are targeting multiple keyword phrases (see below) on the same web page then you should put the major phrase first.

Compromises When Using Long tail keywords

When researching your keyword options there are merits in making the keyword phrase more specific by adding extra words so that you can compete. After choosing various options and selecting the final version using a keyword research tool you should use the exact phrase in the Title. However beware of adding extra terms without doing the analysis as it may dilute the ranking for the keywords.

Targeting Multiple Keyword Phrases

You may be tempted to use two or more keyword phrases in the title instead of the single one. The objective may be to bring in more traffic because more keywords are included. However you need to be careful with this because you may decrease the ranking for your major keywords. It is a compromise and depends on whether your page is narrowly focused of a specific topic or a more general one. Google may also penalise the page if the added phrase is not relevant to the information on the page. The more relevant a page's content is for one phrase, the less relevant it is the content for another. Optimizing on a second term will dilute the first, and both terms will be diluted.

Using multiple keyword phrases should only be used when your site or article covers a broad range of topics.

Things to Avoid when Designing Titles
Oversaturation – This occurs when the title becomes a long list of words, for example "Inbound Marketing Agency, Social Media, Blog Writing, SEM, SEO, Web Design| EMU Creative' Google will see this as keyword stuffing and non-relevant.
Using Stop Words, Jargon and Useless Words - like 'the, but, be, and, we, me, our,' which are stop words. These words provide no value to the person making the search.
Fluffy and weak words should be avoided - words such as "experienced, choice, best, most, top, award, professional, winning. These words over-saturate your page titles and make your primary keyword phrase less relevant and provide lower ranking potential.

Summary – Title Tag Best Practices

Below are the key things to focus on when choosing and optimizing a Title tag:
Keep the title concise with meaningful rather than fluffy word (5 to 12 words).
High-priority words should be placed at the start of the title which should be less than 70 characters in length.
Do not use any single word more than twice.
Use keyword phrases in the precise way they are searched for, and have been analyzed using a keyword analysis tool. Word order is important and the research only applies to the exact phrase. Check the autocomplete tool to check that the title is one recommended as a suggestion.
Don't use multiple phrases - research a longtail phrase that includes 3-5 keywords you are targeting.
Make sure your Title accurately reflect the topic of the page and is highly relevant.
Write a keyword-rich title tag that has minimum stop words, but is sensible and appealing to human. You need to make your title very attractive to your users so they will click on it.
Your title should call for a response and satisfy exactly what the searcher's is looking for (i.e. to buy something, learn something, fix something, avoid something, hire something. Remember this is your hook and bait when fishing via the search engines!
The title tag is unique in relation to other pages on the site
Generally the company name goes at the end of the tag

Glad to accept any comments on this important topic.

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