Tuesday, March 4, 2014

First if you currently have a sitemap plugin you will need to disable it or delete it for it might cause a conflict.

All of your sitemap needs can be done right here within Seo By Yoast. And you will have easy access to it right from your dashboard.

After you have disabled your old sitemap plugin, you will enable the box at the top that says check this box to enable XML sitemap functionality.

In General settings check the Ping Yahoo and Ping Ask. com boxes. And at the bottom you will see the number 1000 in the Entries per page section change it to a number like I use 500 it doesn't matter but unless you are having a blog that is massive you will want to use a lower number. Then click the box that says you can find your sitemap here to make sure that it setsup for you.

Then save your settings and That's It. all of the rest of the settings will be taken care of just fine in the default.

I have just given you what I am paid very well to do for my customers for free. I hope that it works as good for you as it does for all of my customers.

Please take a second to take the little poll that I have setup just below so that I have an idea if this hub was helpful. Thank you...

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