Thursday, November 28, 2013


Stop where you are right now. Take a look around. Chances are that there will be at least one wifi device around you. Its the new way we connect our tech world together, its the new cool. But how secure are we in the new networked world ? Are WiFi's secure or are they easy to hack into as much as they are easy to work with ? Let's find out.

Well, unfortunately, WiFis are notorious for getting hacked. But we'd like to highlight that this isn't directly related to the technology itself, rather more about how it is used. WiFi's are susceptible to hacking just like any other network. But there are several ways you can secure your WiFi/MiFi devices to ensure security.

1. Use a secure password.

If you thought a password like "Pa$$w0rd" was good enough, think again. People can easily guess out passwords, heck here are even lists of most commonly used passwords available on the internet for free and programs can brute-force them to get access to your network. So use a safe and secure password, one that's personal and alphanumeric.

2. Keep changing your password often.

Make sure that you keep changing your password often. This is a common technique network administrator's use to make sure that there are no hacks. Even if there are no hacking attempts or vulnerability questions, just make it a routine to change your password within a particular time period. To make things easy, you can follow a series of numbers, so that even if you forgot your password, you can recollect it easily.

3. Turn Off WiFi when not in use.

This is more of a habit problem more than anything. Leaving your WiFi On, when not in use is like leaving your water tap on, when not in use. Use WiFi responsibly. Turn it off when not in use, especially in crowds or when you're traveling in public. Leaving the WiFi adapter on while actually not using it is an easy way for hackers to get in.

4. Do not log on to anonymous WiFi networks even if they said "Free WiFi"

A common method hackers use to hack into WiFi is to provide free WiFi networks and infusing it with malicious tracking code. So, when you find that open network in the train that say "Free WiFi for everyone", DO NOT login. It would be very tempting, especially when you need to go online and check your tweets/fb updates. Remember, its much easy for a hacker to get into your system when you're on their network. So keep away from unknown, anonymous WiFi networks.

5. Make sure you have a personal firewall running on your system.

Running a personal firewall will ensure that there are no trespassers to your system. Make sure you don't give permissions to anonymous accounts to access your system. These networks might be named in very "authentic-sounding" way like "Admin's System" and the like. Make sure you don't fall for it and keep your network to yourself.

6.Disable Window’s file and printer sharing

By default, file and printer sharing is disabled, but many users enable this feature to share printers or files while on a work or home network. Having this feature enabled while on the road is just asking for trouble. It allows unauthorized access to your files by anyone who happens to be on that particular Wi-Fi network. The Microsoft Knowledge Base article “Disable File and Printer Sharing for Additional Security” explains how to determine whether file and printer sharing is enabled and outlines the required steps to disable the feature.

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